We were sitting out on the patio in the early evening. Still light, but the evening sky was beginning to show. Maeve happily pointed out the moon to me way up in the sky. Stretching her arms out, standing on tip toe, she made several attempts to "reach" it. This is her normal routine when she sees the moon, and tonight was no different. She kept trying to grab the silly moon. "I can't reach Mommy! I can't reach!!", she told me. "Stretch higher, you can do it", I replied, envisioning a future NASA astronaut. Then she stretched up so high, straining on her tip toes and brought her hands together, gently cradling an invisible moon. Walking over to me, she said, "Here you go Mommy. The moon" and handed it over. Some moments I will treasure forever and this is one of them. We spent a half hour throwing it back into the sky and catching it again. Who knew the Moon was on a "catch & release" program.
This past Saturday, Maeve offered me a moon of a different kind. ;) Saturday night, Maeve had been in a bed for awhile and I was just dosing off, when I heard Maeve get up and go to the bathroom. So far, so good. About three minutes later, I hear the distinct sound of....humming. Loud. very loud, tuneless, little girl humming. I ignore for a minute or two, then wondering that all consuming question that typical parents of toddlers have at any given hour of the day, "What the heck is she doing in there?", I got up and opened my door to see what was up. And what do I see??? There's Maeve. Standing square in front of the toilet, with a hand on each side of the toilet, peering intently into the bowl, her pants were still down. She is loudly humming her tuneless tune while she is patiently waiting for me. The following conversation then ensued.
Mommy: "Maeve, what are you doing?"
Maeve: "Oh, Hi Mommy" with a hint of surprise, like imagine seeing you here.
Maeve: "Look Mommy" (pointing into the toilet) "There's a lot of poop in there!"
Then with a big grin, Maeve immediately turns around and presents me with a bare tushy for wiping. She had been patiently waiting for me to show up for my part in the potty routine. Just one of the many things they don't put in those nice official baby books. :)
Note: Those goggles in the picture. We were no where near the water, but one of my friends offered them to Maeve that day and she wore them the rest of the day. Goggles, after all, provide a polished finished to all toddler looks.
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