Here is a picture from last week. We had just purchased...NEW SHOES!! These are size 6 and Nike, just like Mommy! She just fits her size 5 shoes, but these size 6 with socks fit her beautifully.
If I listed all the things that she can do now, I would be on blogger all day, so I'll give a quick summary.
- She is starting to talk, just one or two words, but it is there. As of last week, her favorite word is (of course)..."No!". Just so everyone knows, I have firmly explained to her that as she is only 18 months old, that for her to jump ahead to a 2 year olds behavior is completely unacceptable. I think that lecture took hold and I'm sure that she will promptly start behaving herself...any day/year now. :)
- She is starting to pick up after herself and me and the dogs too. Everything on the floor gets put into the toy basket, including shoes & dog toys. I can not take credit for this, rather we have "pick up" time at her "My Gym" class. Thank you "My Gym"!!
- Motor skills & more Motor skills. She can hang with the best of them and I think is actually more advanced than many of the kids her age. This is especially evident at her "My Gym" class. We learn new skills every week and there are so many things for her to play with and on. I love this place, because everything they have out is for a different skill level and I can easily see how much she has progressed by what she tackles that week. This past week, she was starting to try the rock climbing wall. Maeve doesn't quite have it, but I can see she is very interested in it.
- Bonding. Every day I think there is no way I could love her more and every day I prove myself wrong! Maeve is not a huggy/kissy baby with me (the dogs on the other hand gets hugs and kisses galore), but she is such a cuddler & snuggler. Again, I love my baby wrap, because she loves it too. Sometimes she hangs out and just looks around, other times she snuggles right into me. Maeve loves to sit right next to me if not on me and usually has some sort of contact with me. She now will let me out of the room and her eyesight, but only if she knows where I'm at all times.
- "They call her Ms. Flirt" - OMG, this girl can flirt. All of the sudden this has started up. I know she likes the attention and she is quite adept at figuring out what will get her the most attention. Last week at Barnes & Noble, while waiting to buy our books, she starts flirting with the guy behind us in line. First it is the really quiet "Hi's", followed by the coy head tilt and shy smiles. By then he was completely smitten, but she completely wowed him with her one handed peek-a-boo. The next thing I know she is trying to shake his hand and (I think) get a phone number. He was a cutie pie though. :)
- Eating. What eating worries did I ever have?!? Now, I just wonder what she will not eat.
- Our first Urgent Care visit. Oh No!! Last weekend I was convinced she was gravely ill, so off we went as quick as I legally could to the nearest Urgent Care which is only five minutes away. Of course, by the time we arrived, her symptoms had mostly disappeared, although her stomach was still upset. Still in we went, Mother & Daughter, both pretty much in tears. The doctors and nurses were great. Because of her age, they prioritized us and we pretty much walked right in. The doctor did a very thorough check (I think mainly to appease me versus her thinking anything was wrong with Maeve) and she was pronounced healthy, but with an upset stomach. When we arrived home, she went straight to bed and slept through to the next morning, upon which she awoke smiling and full of energy again. I thought would get a couple of snickers about the "new Mommy" panic when I told some friends about our ordeal, but everyone had their own story to share. Personally, I could care less...$20 & a hour in Urgent Care was well worth the peace of mind.
Overall, Maeve is doing great. She has a total of 12 teeth now and is growing so quickly. At a year old, her 9 month outfits hung on her, now at 18 months old, her most of her 18 month outfits actually fit her. While still slender, she now sports a cute little pot belly which she likes to flash at everyone.
I should have some really cute pictures next week. We are going back to visit Grandma & Grandpa and all the rest of the family for the weekend. While there we will be attending our cousin's world famous hay ride and we are very excited for that. Also, Grandpa will be taking us for one more pontoon ride on the lake. It will be the last one of the season.
And before I forget...I can't wait for Halloween...the costumes I ordered have arrived!! Wait until you see Maeve in her new costume...
Love all the wonderful news. You are right about her changing so quickly. Looking forward to seeing the costume : )
We cannot wait to see you both! Very excited to hear you are coming home & will be @ the party :) See you next week! Hope Maeve doesn't mind the Paparazzi? I will be be bringing my camera in hopes of catching some great pictures of all of the kiddos!
I see/hear that Maeve is looking out for her mommy. My question is..does she know to look on the left ring finger and was the guy cute? My next question how many halloween costumes does Maeve have? Or better yet how many halloween costumes did you buy for her?
Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
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