Recipe for a Forever Family: Take One Mom (formerly from the Midwest), Add One Cutie Pie (formerly from China), then slowly Stir in Two Big Drooly Dogs.

The Wee Hours of the Morning

What happened to my sleep through the night 10 straight hours baby?

It is probably just the transition and her intolerance of a wet/dirty diaper, but Maeve is waking up every night between Midnight and 2am. Luckily, I have discovered that she just needs a diaper change and can be tucked pretty easily back into bed. She does cry for a few minutes, but then settles down to sleep. Good thing for late night showings of "Law & Order". :)

Maeve is doing fine. Her cold is pretty much under a control, and should be a thing of the past in a couple of days. She still prefers a bottle to solid food, but she is eating more and more solids each day. It is a big experiment to see what she will eat. The latest conquest is "Chef Boyardee", Grandma's muffin and gumming pretzel sticks. The amusing thing is that I can feed her by hand, but she refuses the same items when I try to feed her with a spoon. Maeve dispises the spoon and lets me know it at every attempt. I'm giving up the spoon for now and contenting myself with hand feeding her for now. She is still perfecting her pincher grip and getting food into her own mouth. She can do it, but more often than not it ends up all over her, me and whatever other object is nearby. I am planning on giving her the spoons to play with, hopefully this will soften her disposition to them. For now my goal is to fatten her up prior to our next doctor's appointment in two weeks.

As for me, I'm doing fine as well. I've determined messy hair pulled into a hasty pony tail or hair clip, dark circles under the eyes and assorted food stains that appear seconds after clean clothes are pulled from the dryer really are a sexy and attractive look for me. Why I didn't think of it earlier I do not know. Of course, when I have Maeve in my arms and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I realize I have never looked better and wouldn't trade a moment of the past two weeks for all the eye concealer in the world. :)

Monday will be an exciting day. I'm taking Maeve in for a brief visit to friends and then to our first Baby Sign class at a local baby store. The class is more for me to learn so I can teach her, but Maeve loves other babies and should enjoy it too. As she becomes more accustomed to everything, I'm looking forward to signing up for Mommy & Baby swim classes (should help with her learning to like bathtime), joining the local babywearing group and one or two other activities that sound interesting. Now if I could only find a Mommy & Baby yoga class. :)


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